Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How White Light Protection

Saved Me!

      One night I happened to be sitting in bed when my phone buzzed. A stranger messaged me asking for help. This person felt a bad spirit had an attachment to him since childhood and wanted help to get rid of it. The spirit sounded demonic for sure, and I started to feel uneasy.

          I am someone who works with positive spirits – deceased loved ones and angels, so whenever I hear this negative stuff, I run the other way and give it to a friend I know who helps people with negative entities. I stay far away from anything to do with evil or darkness. I protect myself. So, I did just that. I called my friend and passed on my messenger’s number. Not thinking much about it after that, I went to sleep.

          A few hours later I woke up feeling strange and uneasy. Alone in my king-sized bed, my bed suddenly felt GIANT! I sat up and looked around my room studying it and taking it in like I had never seen it before. Not seeing anything out of place, I dropped my head back to the pillow, my eyes shifting around the room while I curled up on my right side. The room felt strange … I have lived here for several years and I know this house. Tonight something was different. Something was trying to get in my room!

          I felt like someone was watching me but it wasn’t a person, it was something NOT of this earth! It was something dark!

          Whatever it was felt demonic. It wasn’t in my room yet, but somehow it seemed to be watching me from afar. Like it was somewhere else in the world and wanted in.

          I felt the sensation getting stronger and stronger by the minute. It was trying hard to get into the house, into my room! Oh, no!  I thought to myself. Am I crazy? Is this right? But no, I wasn’t crazy! I could feel eyes on me for sure. Staring…

          I could only guess the connection had to do with the person who contacted me earlier. There was no other reason. My friend, Barry Gaunt, always tells me that these things will stop at nothing to get into your life, especially if they know you are trying to stop them or get rid of them. Apparently, by providing Barry with my messenger’s contact information, the bad spirit targeted me as someone who was helping get rid of it. AND I felt it was coming for me, just like Barry said.

          I definitely felt something staring at me from the corner of my room. Suddenly, I remembered something my good friend, Harry, talked to me about regarding another friend, Paul, using a white light of protection as a shield for himself. So I grabbed my phone and looked up how to do it.

          I teach meditation and give energy cleanses to people to get rid of negative energy and breathe in the positive, good energies. Luckily, those experiences really helped me learn fast how to do this!

          An hour later, I lay in bed meditating and bringing in the white light from God. I began to give up and opened my eyes, but something was different – my room felt safe! What happened? Where had the bad spirit gone? I sat up and looked around my room again. Hmmm. I didn’t feel anything staring at me anymore from the corner of my room.

          Lying down again I turned to my side still not understanding why my room was suddenly calm and peaceful. I was exhausted so I closed my eyes again to get some sleep, enjoying the blissful room. Then I saw a beautiful white light after I closed my eyes. I shouldn’t see anything but blackness because my eyes were closed, and it’s pitch black in my room. SoWhat the heck! I opened my eyes again in my dark room. Wait…this must be the white light Harry and Paul described! Did it work? Did I actually do it?

          Closing my eyes a second time I saw it again! It was a gorgeous, bright, white light that I can only describe as – Heaven! I felt so calm, as if God were actually in my bedroom!  I didn’t even open my eyes again – I just fell asleep.

          I know what you are thinking, “Bright white light, how can you sleep?” But it was amazing! I felt so peaceful and protected I just drifted right off.

          Forty-five minutes later I awoke again and saw the most amazing, incredible thing I have ever seen in my life! Two HUGE angels stood at the end of my bed, one on each side holding large silver shields that had blue symbols of the trinity on them facing away from each other. They were guarding my bed!

          I sat up and looked at them for a few minutes, never speaking a word. I just took in God and the two angels. They were so beautiful and radiant.

          The angels were identical. They had long, black hair almost to their knees and big fluffy white wings that stuck out a little away from their backs. I could see each fluffy feather that shone bright white in the darkness, but they also had a bit of a blue-glow that came from under their feathered wings.

          They didn’t have shirts on, their chests were bare. However, they both had a thick blue-leather rope-like necklace that draped down from their necks to their chests, and their arms were large and muscular. They wore white skirts made of a thin material with a shine of silver and white. Their faces were stern but peaceful. They took their job seriously and stood armed and proud with a glowing white light that looked like a bubble that surrounded them as well as my entire bed.

          Feeling God and the angels’ protection, I suddenly felt a surge of energy arise inside starting from my toes moving upward to my head. I felt like I could run a marathon! Then, as if storing the energy somewhere within, I felt the peace and protection and knew it was time to rest. I lay back down in my bed and in seconds was fast asleep feeling the love and protection from God in my room.

          The next day I woke up feeling wonderful! How could I possibly feel this good after only six hours of sleep at best! I then remembered: the bubble and bright white light, the glory of the two angels, and the wonderful feeling of protection in my room last night. I grabbed my phone and quickly sent a text message telling Harry and Paul what happened last night and thanking them for telling me about the white light of protection, and the shield that protected me when I needed it most.

          Now I use the white light of protection before every paranormal investigation or low energy. It really works! After all ... what’s better than a shield of peace from God!

©Rosella C. Rowe

Directions for White Light of Protection:


Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Snow Hill Inn:

An Amazing Discovery Tucked in the Rolling Country Hills of New Vienna, Ohio!

Driving by Snow Hill Golf Course in New Vienna, Ohio, you would never guess you are passing an 18th century house full of U.S history and spirits from the past.

            As you walk up to the club house, there is no evidence of an old home from the outside and hardly any from the inside! When I entered, I looked for Banquet Manager Beth Ann Davidson, passing the original house completely. I NEVER EVEN SAW IT! I later realized this when Beth Ann was giving me a tour. I couldn’t believe that I walked right by it without a thought.

          The original house was incorporated into the country club and is no longer visible from the road. It was built in 1820 by Charles and Katharine Harris, who moved from Snow Hill, Maryland, (hence the house’s name). They had nine children.

          The house also was a local pub that secretly helped harbor slaves who escaped from the South. The house had a tunnel (now closed) in the basement, which ran from Snow Hill House to an inn that used to be across the street.

        Beth Ann walked me around the house beginning in the pub and we continued through the family room and into the dining room, where I really sensed the past owner, Mr. Harris, near a far wall. I chose not to mention my feelings as we walked to the ballroom, which in the past was divided into two rooms. Today it is one large ballroom being used by the country club. We walked upstairs to view the six guest bedrooms and two bathrooms. The rooms are gorgeous and rent for only $100 dollars a night, which is a total steal!

          The older house is mostly used for weddings and guests who stay on after a wedding for convenience. Some of the additions to the house include a larger ballroom, a restaurant bar and grill, and a back patio with outdoor seating. Its large balcony is perfect for a wedding or prom picture. It has the most wonderful views!

          But let’s get to the ghosts, right!

          As I waited for my fellow ghost hunters to arrive, I set up my equipment and sat down to interview Beth Ann in the small dining room. I had heard that the dining room was a hot area for paranormal activity but wasn’t thinking it would start right away.

Ten minutes into the interview, I was sitting with Beth Ann at the large dining table when the door behind me started to move. I thought it was my friend, Evan, who must have arrived early. So, I shouted over my shoulder to him, “Evan, I’m in here interviewing. You can set up if you want and I will be done soon!” But Beth Ann knew better than me. She kept watching over my shoulder and soon we both heard the white wooden door behind me close with a lot of force. I was astonished!

I had only been there for a little while and the door just closed by itself! Beth Ann didn’t hesitate or look surprised. She was clearly used to this kind of thing happening. 

          She stood up and walked over to the door, opened it and looked around. Earlier, I knew I felt someone walking around in the room Beth Ann was now staring into, and I clearly heard noise in there, which was why I thought Evan must have shown up. Normally he will get to places and see me interviewing and he won’t want to bother me, so he will walk around, set up, and then wait for me to finish my interview. But not this time! It wasn’t Evan! Mr. Harris was definitely testing me!

          Beth Ann opened the door and sat back down, ready to continue with the interview when, “bump, bump” came from behind the door again. We both turned to see the door once again, moving slowly as it inched its way shut.  

          I asked Beth Ann if this was a typical occurrence in her day? She gave a little and laugh. “Yes. Little things like this will happen to me a lot during the day. They are never things that are frightful or bad, just little annoying things like this occur all the time.”

          Beth Ann has worked at Snow Hill since she was a teenager, and even got married and had her reception on the property. She later came back to Snow Hill as its Banquet Manager.

“How wonderful,” I told her after hearing her career story. So, it’s safe to say she has seen a lot and had a lot of experiences on the property. Beth Ann went on to tell me the paranormal experiences she witnessed at Snow Hill.

          “My most recent experience was actually two weeks ago during our ‘Mixer Night’ for our club members. We have them each week. Hunter, a staff member heard the piano playing from the dining room. She asked me if I had heard it playing, and I had. Curiously, I walked into the dining room and sat down at the piano and played it. As soon as I started to play, I noticed the lights from the chandelier dim. This really freaked me out, so I left the room quickly. Later that night, I was closing up. I set the alarm for the building and was walking toward my car in the lot when I noticed the lights inside turn back on by themselves.”

            Beth Ann also reported that glasses on the bar  often slide right off the bar and break. And most importantly, before her own wedding, she was helping her mother set up in the big ballroom when she saw her 9-year-old brother walk in from the front door and down the long hallway toward them. The odd thing was she saw him stop and side-step around something in the hall, but she didn’t see anything to walk around. When he reached them, she asked her brother why he side-stepped like he was stepping around someone. He said, “Didn’t you see the brown dog?” Beth Ann and her mother just looked at each other in puzzlement because they hadn’t seen it.

          Another paranormal occurrence was when Hunter was newly hired. 

The ghosts seemed to love picking on her as if to give her a little haze. Hunter was asked to get tablecloths from the basement to set up for an event. The basement is a quite creepy spot, which the people who work there know well. Many don’t want to go down to it. Hunter was new so she didn’t know there were two places where the tablecloths were kept. She walked down to the basement and began to turn the doorknob to the tunnel room (which is so named because of the underground tunnel) where the tablecloths were stored. As she began to open the door, however, something pulled the door closed from the other side, causing her to jerk forward. Hunter was spooked and ran upstairs to tell the staff. The staff thinks the ghost loves to spook her.

          Beth Ann also had another paranormal experience one day before a wedding. The bartender needed more beer, so Beth Ann was asked to go to the basement to get it. She was making her way down when, right in front of her eyes, where there are no windows at all, she found herself staring at a thick fog that she described as being five feet high starting at the floor. A few moments later she gained her composure and ran upstairs to find the bartender. When she returned with the bartender in tow to show them the fog, it was gone.

          Hunter remembered another time after a wedding and the rest of the staff was gone when she tried to set the club’s alarm, but it wouldn’t set. The alarm indicted the backdoor was open, but she just checked it and it was closed. Hunter walked back into the ballroom and the door was open. Not just ajar. It had a black crowbar jammed into it to keep it open. Hunter had never seen the crowbar before, nor had the rest of the staff.  “That was a scary moment!” And she was alone in the building.

          According to Hunter and the rest of the staff, lights are well-known to turn on and off by themselves, the smaller lamp shade lights on the walls will be often be found with the shades pulled off, a little boy is often seen by a staff member named Kat, who has been there for many years. Kat feels the boy thinks of her as a comfort. She also reports that he is often seen around her, or she feels his presence. The little boy is known as Nicolas and is thought to be one of the Harris’s children. The staff thinks the boy may be around 8 or 9 years old. Nicholas is often seen in Room #3 and is known to swing the chandelier around in a circle in Room #4. So, if you want a ghost in your room, stay in one of those rooms during your Snow Hill visit. You won’t regret it!

          Another interesting paranormal experience, according to Hunter and Beth Ann, was when a mirror decorated with golf items went flying across a small hallway landing right under two gentlemen’s feet during lunch. According to Hunter, the mirror landed on its face and only one little piece fell off the mirror.

“How in the world did the mirror NOT break?” I asked in surprise while she showed me the mirror. “I don’t know,” she replied. “It just doesn’t make sense!” Apparently, the staff re-glued the small piece in place and the mirror was like new, but everyone who comes in talks about the mirror that went flying!

          However the most freighting experience reported regarding paranormal activity, happened during the 1970s when a car was passing by and the person driving saw a dark shadow-like person jump from the building at the car on the road and fall in front of the car. The driver stopped and looked around and didn’t see anyone. I am a storyteller but even I couldn’t have made that up! I thought that was the coolest story of all! So did Evan, who told it to me.

          As for my paranormal experience at Snow Hill, I have to say this place is top on my list for mind-blowing activity! The whole time I was there (3:30pm to 3:30am) there was constant activity! My friends and paranormal investigators who were with me that night were my good friend and buddy, Evan (who I call my brother from another mother), Mirya and Brent. This was the first time I investigated with Mirya and we sure had a crazy night because the ghosts really like females – as the activity seems to follow women. There was a lot that happened that night so let’s go from room to room:

·       Family Room: In this room, I was with Brent introducing myself and him to the spirits. First, I said who I was and why I was there. I then asked them to bring down the temperature in the room and then the temperature dropped by two degrees. As this happened, Brent told me he saw two stick figures standing with me near the window in the corner of the room. I, however, saw a couple, male and female, inside my mind (or mind’s eye) standing in the corner near a window. They both were listening intently. 

They also set off my EMF reader several times in response to me telling them why I was there. I said that I was an author and I really wanted to tell their story and how much I loved their lovely home. A few hours later Mirya and I discovered a picture of the couple on the piano in the dining room. I couldn’t believe it. Right there in the picture was the exact couple I had seen in my mind standing near the window in the family room a few hours before. My jaw dropped. They were even wearing the same cloths!

My second experience came in the family room when Brent saw a small stick figure appear near me (like a child. I think it could have been Nicolas, the little boy). Brent said the figure was behind me as I asked questions. A little later, Brent told me he would be right back and left the room as I was still speaking to the little boy. I asked him if he would lower the temperature in the room. He did end up lowering it very slowly, but as he reached the temperature I asked for (69 degrees), I heard a big bang behind me and felt the wooden floor vibrate under where I sat. At the same time, my temperature gauge turned itself off. That freaked me out a bit since I was alone, so I grabbed my stuff and joined the others.


·       Basement: while in the basement, Mirya and I heard men’s voices and random half sentences the whole time we were down there, about an hour and a half. It was impressive! I have never heard disembodied voices that much! We were in the men’s locker room, which is known to the staff and other investigators as one of the building’s HOT ZONES. As Mirya and I sat down and we began to hear male voices, got louder. It was clear they really wanted our attention. It would sound like the voices were coming from the hall behind us, but we would check and no one would there and we knew that Brent and Evan were the only other people in the building. Several times as we sat and talked, Mirya and I felt a big cold spot come between us. This happened three times as we sat there. Once, when Brent walked by us, he spotted stick figures near us while using his tablet and SLS Camera. But the most intriguing moment of the night for Mirya and me was when we saw a shadow person around 8 to 9 feet tall on the metal lockers across from us. It looked like it was the shadow of someone peeking in at us from outside in the hall. Or so we thought. When we asked Evan to try to re-create the event, he couldn’t. The shadow must have been peeking out at us from inside the metal lockers! We were really lucky to have seen it!


·       Dining Room: Evan, Mirya and I took a break and sat down in the dining room, which was the same place I interviewed Beth Ann and experienced the door closing behind me. Well, the night was still young! We were talking when I felt Mr. Harris, the original owner, walking back and forth a few times behind Evan. I mentioned it to Evan, so he placed his EMF behind him on top of a long table near the wall. We asked Mr. Harris to light it up and he did –  once. After we ate, we came back, and I was getting ready to do a live podcast. Then I felt a heaviness in the room. It was coming from the same place behind Evan just like before. I knew it was Mr. Harris again. I could really feel and see the man walking behind Evan silently and I could tell he was gearing up for his grand entrance. He simply was waiting for us to begin the show and then the activity would happen. I told everyone, “Watch, he is waiting until I press the button to start the show and then he will light up all of our devices in the room.” And he did just that! 

    As soon as I pressed the “On Air” button, he lit up all of our devices at once. I just laughed. He surely got his 15 minutes of fame! But the most insane event of the evening, (I know! This is on top of the shadow man peeking from inside the metal locker!) was when we were talking during the podcast, and we suddenly heard a women scream at the top of her lungs from down the hall in the restaurant area! It was crazy! I have seen this stuff on TV a thousand times, but I never believed it! And here it was happening to all of us! Wow…We all sat for a minute staring at each other. Finally, I spoke to Mirya, “Did you…?” She replied with her mouth still falling to the floor with shock, “Oh…Yes… I DID!”

·       Ballroom: After the podcast, we walked to the back ballroom. I wanted to check if we would get paranormal activity near the door after Staff Member Hunter’s story with the crowbar. Brent set up his Boo Bear on the wooden ballroom floor and I placed a little ball that lit up with very bright colors next to it. During our investigation, the small ball began to move around in a circle (though it’s hard to see it in this video I took) it actually is picked up and rotated to have the red button that turns it on and off aimed upward!  https://youtu.be/ASWz2EzUNMY 

    This was shocking to see in person. The video really doesn’t do it justice because, in person, you could really see the ball stop and float up a bit in the air and be placed down again with the red button on top. Let’s just say this must have been a particular person in life and death…a little OCD perhaps…but I loved it!

So would I recommend a visit to Snow Hill Inn? Hell Yeah! Be kind when you’re there and the spirits will come to you, especially if you are a female! I loved and adored the staff: Beth Ann, Hunter, and Kat were just awesome! 

In addition, you get free fountain drinks and a wonderful breakfast in the morning when you are a guest! You can’t beat it! And neither can I. I will be heading back October 31, 2020, for a Halloween investigation! I can’t wait! STAY TUNED.

@Rosella C. Rowe



Snow Hill Inn & Country Club:


Beth Ann Davidson
Banquet Manager

