How White Light Protection
night I happened to be sitting in bed when my phone buzzed. A stranger messaged
me asking for help. This person felt a bad spirit had an attachment to him since
childhood and wanted help to get rid of it. The spirit sounded demonic for sure,
and I started to feel uneasy.
I am someone
who works with positive spirits – deceased loved ones and angels, so whenever I
hear this negative stuff, I run the other way and give it to a friend I know
who helps people with negative entities. I stay far away from anything to do
with evil or darkness. I protect myself. So, I did just that. I called my
friend and passed on my messenger’s number. Not thinking much about it after
that, I went to sleep.
A few
hours later I woke up feeling strange and uneasy. Alone in my king-sized bed,
my bed suddenly felt GIANT! I sat up and looked around my room studying it and
taking it in like I had never seen it before. Not seeing anything out of place,
I dropped my head back to the pillow, my eyes shifting around the room while I curled
up on my right side. The room felt strange … I have lived here for several
years and I know this house. Tonight something was different. Something was
trying to get in my room!
felt like someone was watching me but it wasn’t a person, it was something NOT
of this earth! It was something dark!
it was felt demonic. It wasn’t in my room yet, but somehow it seemed to be
watching me from afar. Like it was somewhere else in the world and wanted in.
felt the sensation getting stronger and stronger by the minute. It was trying
hard to get into the house, into my room! Oh,
no! I thought to myself. Am I crazy? Is this right? But no, I
wasn’t crazy! I could feel eyes on me for sure. Staring…
could only guess the connection had to do with the person who contacted me
earlier. There was no other reason. My friend, Barry Gaunt, always tells me
that these things will stop at nothing to get into your life, especially if
they know you are trying to stop them or get rid of them. Apparently, by
providing Barry with my messenger’s contact information, the bad spirit
targeted me as someone who was helping get rid of it. AND I felt it was coming
for me, just like Barry said.
definitely felt something staring at me from the corner of my room. Suddenly, I
remembered something my good friend, Harry, talked to me about regarding another
friend, Paul, using a white light of protection as a shield for himself. So I
grabbed my phone and looked up how to do it.
teach meditation and give energy cleanses to people to get rid of negative
energy and breathe in the positive, good energies. Luckily, those experiences really
helped me learn fast how to do this!
hour later, I lay in bed meditating and bringing in the white light from God. I
began to give up and opened my eyes, but something was different – my room felt
safe! What happened? Where had the bad
spirit gone? I sat up and looked around my room again. Hmmm. I didn’t feel anything staring at me anymore from the corner
of my room.
Lying down again
I turned to my side still not understanding why my room was suddenly calm and
peaceful. I was exhausted so I closed my eyes again to get some sleep, enjoying
the blissful room. Then I saw a beautiful white light after I closed my eyes. I
shouldn’t see anything but blackness because my eyes were closed, and it’s
pitch black in my room. So… What the heck! I opened my eyes again in
my dark room. Wait…this must be the white
light Harry and Paul described! Did it work? Did I actually do it?
Closing my eyes
a second time I saw it again! It was a gorgeous, bright, white light that I can
only describe as – Heaven! I felt so calm, as if God were actually in my bedroom!
I didn’t even open my eyes again – I
just fell asleep.
know what you are thinking, “Bright white light, how can you sleep?” But it was
amazing! I felt so peaceful and protected I just drifted right off.
minutes later I awoke again and saw the most amazing, incredible thing I have
ever seen in my life! Two HUGE angels stood at the end of my bed, one on each
side holding large silver shields that had blue symbols of the trinity on them facing
away from each other. They were guarding my bed!
I sat
up and looked at them for a few minutes, never speaking a word. I just took in
God and the two angels. They were so beautiful and radiant.
angels were identical. They had long, black hair almost to their knees and big
fluffy white wings that stuck out a little away from their backs. I could see
each fluffy feather that shone bright white in the darkness, but they also had
a bit of a blue-glow that came from under their feathered wings.
didn’t have shirts on, their chests were bare. However, they both had a thick
blue-leather rope-like necklace that draped down from their necks to their
chests, and their arms were large and muscular. They wore white skirts made of
a thin material with a shine of silver and white. Their faces were stern but
peaceful. They took their job seriously and stood armed and proud with a
glowing white light that looked like a bubble that surrounded them as well as
my entire bed.
God and the angels’ protection, I suddenly felt a surge of energy arise inside
starting from my toes moving upward to my head. I felt like I could run a
marathon! Then, as if storing the energy somewhere within, I felt the peace and
protection and knew it was time to rest. I lay back down in my bed and in
seconds was fast asleep feeling the love and protection from God in my room.
next day I woke up feeling wonderful! How could I possibly feel this good after
only six hours of sleep at best! I then remembered: the bubble and bright white
light, the glory of the two angels, and the wonderful feeling of protection in
my room last night. I grabbed my phone and quickly sent a text message telling
Harry and Paul what happened last night and thanking them for telling me about
the white light of protection, and the shield that protected me when I needed
it most.
Now I
use the white light of protection before every paranormal investigation or low
energy. It really works! After all ... what’s better than a shield of peace
from God!
for White Light of Protection:
What a fascinating and wonderful experience! I find it amazing that a dark and scary encounter can have such a positive impact on you (and others) for the rest of your life. You are blessed Rosella!