Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Was Stress Creating My Haunting?


          Three year ago I was finishing my first book, The Haunting at 2095 when I got an idea for a 2nd book, 911 Emergency that I quickly became passionate about and I wanted to get it on paper at once. My passion for the two books became quickly conflicting.  I had a deadline to meet for publication for my first book and didn’t have time to wait. However, I took a pause, some calling me crazy, and wrote the first few chapters of the second story, and then went back to finish 2095.

          After the accomplishment of my first book, I pressed on writing more of my 2nd book but in light of Covid (and with the rest of the world,) life changed and I had to become teacher to my children, full time mother, and wife without breaks. My writing would take a backseat.

          Fast forward a year later, its 2021 and my kids are finally in school however, life is uncertain and hectic.  I feel a calling to write my book again, 911 Emergency for two weeks but never have a moment to myself.

          One day, Harry a friend of mine from the Victorian House in Ohio calls me and begins telling me about a dream he had. Harry, spoke to me about my book and asked if I had picked it up again? Then he goes on to talk about his dream. He was quite emotional about it and sounded unusual.  He thought his dream was a message for me to finish my book. Harry also told me that his dream seemed to never stop. “I kept waking up and going back to sleep again, trying to stop it but the dream would just resume again, each time.

          In his dream Harry says, I was writing my book in which he described my entire plot of the book and my main character –indicating he was a man of mystery who was faceless and nameless. But how could Harry know these things when I never told him this information? Harry seemed to know the plot of my book and whole story from start to finish! It was odd.

          Weeks later Harry asked me again if I had written anything new yet regarding the book, but I still hadn’t time.

Harry told me again, how he thought the male character in my book might be real and how he thought the main character in my book, really wanted his story told.

          So I called Paul, also from Victorian House who I work with well. I told him about Harry’s dream and my book. His advice was to try to do some research and see what I found.

          So I began researching on the web, things about my character in my book that could true. The character in the book is a male, and a dark character. The man dies in a mysteriously in a car accident on Leeway Road in his gold Ford Taurus after he crashes into the side of an abandoned house. So I typed in the search bar online: male dies in gold ford Taurus Leeway Road.  Coincidentally, an article came up as well as a news segment about a man who accidently went over a median killing his who family and an older couple near Leeway Road. This tragic accident had much similarty to my story.

          After that day, things began to happen in my home, A HOUSE WHICH ISN’T HAUNTED.

          One day I was tired from a long bike ride, so I lay down in bed. My family was out at the time and I was alone in the house.  I was almost asleep when I began hearing footsteps in front of my bed. This happened three times every ten minutes, just as I was falling asleep. I got annoyed and clearly couldn’t sleep after that. So I got up and took a bath determined to get some relaxation.  I normally would close the door to the bathroom at this time but wanted to hear if my family came home. So I left the bathroom door slightly ajar. I was just about to get into the tub when I heard a child-like voice of a little girl (quite similar to my daughter) say sweetly from downstairs in the kitchen: “Hello….?” I heard this three times in a row.

          I called out to my daughter, who I thought must have come home, but didn’t get a reply.  I got into the tub and ten minutes later I heard the same voice and “Hello..?” again! I called out once more in reply but again, no answer. This time, I got out of the tub and walked to my phone to see if our garage door went up, indicating my family was home. The garage and my phone are synced, so I get a notification when the garage is opened, but there wasn’t one.  I was alone in the house.

          That night I was freighted from my experience, so my husband waited until I was asleep to go downstairs and continue his work. An hour after he left the bedroom, I woke up to hear the same footsteps as earlier. Three solid footsteps in a row, ten minutes apart. I sat up in bed, angry now. I said aloud: “I don’t know who you are but you need to leave. I can’t help you right now. I need rest. Please let me sleep.” Hearing this seemed to make it upset, I heard it walk toward my double-doors to the left of my room, where I happened to have a plastic hanger which hung from one of the doorknobs. Then, with a lot of force, the entity hit one side of the hanger downward hard, causing the hanger to flip around four times until it finally stopped.

          I was very angry so I leaped out of my bed, turned on a nearby light and in the name of Jesus Christ, banded it from my house and told it to never come back.

          A week went by and nothing seemed to happen until the next Sunday night. I woke up to my motion-censored watch, lighting up my bedroom on its own, and then heard a footstep. I sat up in bed and said the same thing as the last week and it was gone.

          The most freighting experience came when I was again alone in the house because my husband was picking up our kids from an afterschool activity. I was sitting in bed watching TV, not feeling well, when I saw a dark shadow-like figure near my door out of the corner of my eye. I called my buddy, Harry right then and there and told him. He told me to ask Paul and that night the three of us conducted a remote session via phone to see what was going on in the house. Using Paul’s cooper-rods and combination of all our gifts, we found the answer.

          The two men who had died in that car accident came through right away, both wishing me well with my book, but sadly were not the ones who were coming to me. It was good to find out so I could move on. I thanked them and appreciated them helping. But now who could be?

          After the two men left, Paul turned to my Guardian Angels asking them who was trying to communicate and what I was experiencing? They came quickly, ready to talk and help, as if standing right by, waiting for us to ask.

          My Angel’s told Paul that it wasn’t a spirit at all; it was simply my stress, anxiety and energy creating paranormal activity in my home.

          Paul explained to me that due to my gifts, I am more sensitive to the universe, as well as my own stresses and anxieties, which in turn can cause paranormal energy if I am not careful and take better care of myself.

          After this terrible year who wouldn’t be stressed? I really had wanted to get back into the swing of things and writing but I really needed to slow down, which was also why I was tired and not feeling the best.

          So now, I am relaxing more and have slowed down a bit doing more for me…AND the activity has stopped and I feel better. Who knew I this could happen?  I defiantly have learned something from this paranormal experience!

©Rosella C. Rowe


1 comment:

  1. Wow, who would think that stress and anxiety can cause your internal energy to cause such an experience. Hope all is well now!
