Tuesday, April 9, 2024


The Tipp City Tornado of 2022:

I was lounging in my backyard pool with my son when I felt an odd energy start to come in. Looking up at the sky, I could see fast moving clouds coming in that began to look a shade darker.

          Getting off my raft, I continued to survey the sky. My son, floating on a raft right next to me, stuck his arm up, into the air and said, “Mom, we have 3 hours until the tornado hits,” spoken with a very serious face, unlike a seven year old. He swam over to me and took my raft.

          “Where are you going with that?” I asked him still in shock over what had just transpired.          

Turning back to answer me, after he had reached the first step, leading out of our in ground-pool he replied, “I am getting the stuff out to of the pool. We have to clean up, Mom. The tornado is coming.” He moved fast and was quite firm.  

          It was the summer of 2022 and my son was seven years old. I had never seen him this serious before or had seen him clean up on his own. “Something is about to happen,” I thought to myself. Normally he was the happiest kid you ever saw and never sat still. His seriousness, along with the clouds quickly coming in over my head, were quite frightening.

          Suddenly the wind really came in and was blowing hard and fast. My son and I worked to get everything inside our storage area swiftly before the rain started. We ran around the backyard and pool, gathering up toys and floats.

Inside my husband was watching the local News and confirmed with me that it was defiantly coming. And sure enough, the timeframe our son had predicted was correct. We had exactly 3 hours until a big storm would hit us and we had a Tornado Warning.

I looked at my son and he said, “I will get dressed Mom and start helping Dad bring down the pets to the basement,” Still in his serious mode but I was grateful. We have several pets and 5 in cages. So my husband needed the help.

          I took a fast shower and got dressed. I heard my phone start to ring and reached for it. I saw it was one of my out of town friends, so I answered the call, and explained the situation. I told her what had happened with my son in the pool and how we didn’t have much time left. This friend knew of my gifts so I thought she would understand. I also thought she would see why I had to go to help bring important things down to the basement before the storm. However, she did not seem to care, she just kept talking.

          Out of the blue I heard a male voice that I knew very well. It was my good friend, a spirit named, Jason. He was a relative of a great friend and client of mine. Sometimes he would come to check on me or help during an emergency or bad situation.

          Not thinking clearly about why he was suddenly in my bedroom, I said, “Hi, Jason,” greeting him happily, forgetting briefly about the storm at the moment.

          “What are you doing?” He said to me in a stern manner. I had never heard him sound so upset. Swiftly I got up from my sitting position in my bed where I had been talking to this friend on the phone.  

“Jason is here!” I exclaimed. This friend knew of Jason from the past, I had told her about a time when he had come to see me and it was important. So I believed she would understand now that I had to go, and it was dire.

          However, she got excited instead and started asking him a lot of questions, enthusiastically.

I saw Jason walk over to my bed-side stand, ignoring her presence, and soon saw my light atop of the stand flash on and off by itself.  My jaw dropped as I heard him say, “Get off the phone. That girl is selfish! Get the pets and everyone to the safety NOW!” I have never seen Jason that angry before and I had known him for years. I knew at that moment, “it was coming” and this storm was going to be very bad.

          “I have to go!” I exclaimed. “The Tornado is coming and Jason is saying to get off the phone and go to the basement now!” I said and hung up the phone. I didn’t even wait for a reply. Grabbing everything important as fast as I could, I made my way down with my family to the basement. We turned on or TV to the News Channel.

Soon we saw that the News reporter had zoomed in on a road next to our neighborhood. It was so frightening, we all gasped in fear. I looked at my son with worry in my eyes as he took my hand in his to comfort me. I could still see his very serious expression on his face as he looked at our television. I also felt Jason in the room with us, which gave me some comfort.

          My husband and I exchanged looks, he normally tries to pretend he is a non-believer in what I do, but that day he knew from what my son had said in the pool earlier, and from his serious demeanor still, as well as Jason’s visit upstairs, that something was happening that he couldn’t deny. He looked at me in fear and then looked at the news reporter again on television.

          “Wait a minute folks, this just in,” the reporter said, lifting her hand to her ear to listen intently to what was coming in. Soon she looked at the map in front of her and you could see her face change into a concerned expression.

          My whole family paused and waited. Swiftly my son lifted his hand again in the air, just like he had earlier in the pool that afternoon. “It just skipped over us,” he said without delay, as he looked away from our TV. “It’s heading towards Tipp City. It will destroy Meijer,” spoke the seven year old. Then he turned and looked at me. “We are safe now.”

          “Meijer?” replied my husband to my son in surprise as our child pulled his hand down from its position in the air, and placed it in his lap.

“Yes, Dad, it will hit Meijer and more over there, it will be bad. But we are safe now. Just watch, you will see,” Spoke our son and turned back toward the News on TV, where it looked like the reporter was about to speak after waiting for more information.

          “Okay Folks, I have been informed that the path has turned. It is now heading towards Tipp City!” said the young female reporter.

          We all, including our daughter, two years older than our son looked at the young boy as he smiled back at us all awkwardly, feeling the spotlight on him and liking it, very much; said, “I told you guys.”

          “If you are in Tipp City off 25A, near Meijer Distribution Center please take cover now!” The reporter warned her audience on the News. “The Tornado has now gained momentum and is moving fast. Take cover now!”

          A few minutes later, a male voice broke in to speak to the young female reporter, “We have reports of flying debris and we have just heard confirmation from a caller that the tornado has hit Meijer.”

          We all gasped again in unison as we looked on at the News horrified in disbelief.

          “He was right!” I said aloud and looked around the room at my family. “See Mommy,” replied my son, “I told you. Poor Meijer, but I knew once it shifted, we would be okay!” He said to me with a twinkle in his eye, as he cuddled up close to my arm for snuggles.

Twenty minutes later, we all sat on couch listening to the aftermath reports from the storm come in on the News when my son suddenly exclaimed, “Okay, we can all go up now, it’s over!” with so much self assurance in his little voice. He stood up and started up the basement stairs with all of his stuffed animals’ in hand.

           Shortly after that, we all gathered in the car and drove toward Tipp City where Meijer Distribution Center was located. As we got closer to Meijer, we saw that half of its roof was gone and caved in. You could see debris from the ceiling of Meijer all over the road for miles around Tipp City, and a house near the Distribution Center’s yard was a mess.

You could see the owners trees had lifted out of the ground, as well as their telephone poles and wires. All were knocked down and were laying on the ground in their yard. There was a huge picnic table about 8 feet long that was stuck in the people's wires and their roof was clearly torn to pieces. The people were outside their home looking around their yard in disbelief. They were lucky to be alive after that event, and you could see they saw evidence of that as they looked around their property.

          From that day on, my son has predicted many storms and knows when to go the basement. We never hesitate or question him; we just get everyone downstairs as fast as possible.

          I am so grateful that my son said that the tornado was coming that day and that Jason came to tell me to get off the phone.  I especially paid attention to the fact that he called my friend who was on the phone, “selfish.” Years later, I found out that she was not the person I thought she was. A life lesson was truly learned.

          Jason is a huge protector, I have woken up several times in the night to see him sitting by my bed, in what I call, “protection mode.” I would ask him if my angels had sent him to watch over me to which he would reply, “Yes. Now go back to sleep.”

I am so blessed Jason is in my life and comes to help me. I only have known him in his spirit form, but he is such a blessing in my life and I will always be grateful for our friendship. I know someday, he will greet me on the other-side when it is my time to go home.

Then End..

 This Blog Article is dedicated to my good friend, Jason. Who is always there, taking care of us from the other-side. I love you, dear friend.

-Rosella C. Rowe

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