Thursday, March 21, 2024

Mansfield Fire Museum Short Stories: Dedicated to Bobby Shook and His Fire Museum in Mansfield, Ohio

 Mansfield Fire Museum Short Stories:

For those of you who know Bobby Shook or have heard me speak of him on my Blog or my Podcast he been a wonderful father figure in my life, a good friend, and is a good man.


Thank you for always being so kind to me as well as being there for me through good times and bad times. You have supported me in many ways over the years whether it was regarding my writing or God-given gifts of my mediumship, or when you needed help for your friends, yourself, or the Museum. For all of this love, support, trust and kindness; I thank you.

 I know that no matter what happens in my life, I will never forget you. You have helped shape me into the person I am today. Thank you and I love you!

These stories are dedicated to Bobby Shook and his Mansfield Fire Museum in Mansfield, Ohio.


-Rosella C. Rowe

The Spirit “Alice” Returns:

The Spirit “Alice” Returns:


I was on my way to the Mansfield Fire Museum in Mansfield, Ohio once more to meet Bobby Shook. This time my friend, Amy was with me and we were on our way to meet Bobby for a full day of lunch, readings, dinner and Bingo, afterwards we were to ghost hunt in the Fire Museum.

 After Bingo and everyone had cleared out for the night, Amy and I, my niece and her boyfriend, who had joined us late, followed Bobby into the dark museum.

I set up some ghost hunting equipment and we began walking towards the back of the museum where they kept an old jail cell from the Ohio State Reformatory. I do not like the jail cell. In the past it has created a lot of issues.

Misty and I found during a few of our investigations in the museum, that bad spirits were using the jail cell as a portal to the museum and were antagonizing female visitors and ghost hunters.

For example, a few months back, Bobby had warned me about females being targeted lately when visiting the museum.  I was investigating the museum with him and our friend, Alice, a bingo volunteer. As I was speaking to Alice I saw her hair lift up in the air and stay there with no one visibly holding it for several seconds, possibly half a minute. You could tell she didn’t feel it being held in the air, because she went on speaking. I stood frozen in amazement and shock.

All of a sudden her hair dropped, hitting her shoulders and she screamed out thinking someone was behind her and had touched her. I explained what I saw and even in the darkness, I saw her turn white. That happened to her a total of two times during that investigation. That event still upsets her to this day.

After many reports adding up about the prisoner spirits from the cell attacking women, Misty and I came a few weeks later to help Bobby, and cleared 37 male spirits out. It took us over 3 hours that night and we were exhausted.

After that experience, Bobby and I were worried seeing Amy so fixated on walking towards the cell. She didn’t seem to hear anyone speak to her as she pressed forward towards the cell. Bobby exchanged an odd look with me as we followed her.

Amy didn’t seem like herself at all. Like a hallow shell in fact and we could all tell something was wrong. Bobby and I were quite concerned.

Out of the blue, I heard my Uncle Hal’s voice telling me to guard my niece and stop. My Uncle had passed on and only came (in spirit form) to the museum if the bad male spirits were there from past experience to protect me. I then heard my other uncle’s voice, Uncle Pat, who had died years before, he and my Hal were best friends. Then I really knew that things were about to get bad fast.

 I told Amy to stop again but still she pushed passed us on her mission. She began asking the old prisoners of the cell questions, aiming her questions toward the cell, not even looking at anyone once. Taking out her EMF reader she put it atop of the gate in front of the cell.

I asked Amy, “What are you doing?” But still she looked passed me. Why wasn’t she understanding what we had said to her? I told her about my Uncle’s both coming and their warnings. She still looked at the gate and asked them questions, pressing on.

Puzzled, Bobby and I looked at each other again. This time he said, “Who is in charge here?”

I was shocked, I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew I felt danger. I also knew that Bobby wouldn't speak to me like that unless there was danger.

Words began coming through the oculus: “Die, run, beware, go away, Bitch, etc.”

Strangely, Amy began challenging it, which again, was NOT LIKE HER! Then it happened, a frightening name from the past came through the oculus. A name we; Misty, Amy and I knew well: “ALICE!” spoke the frightening voice, stopping Amy cold in her tracks as she brought her hand to her mouth, covering it in horror and looked at me.

The name from the past was an entity that called itself, “Alice.” (Note: not my friend and bingo volunteer) This spirit attached itself to Amy for whole year after we had visited and investigated the Blackford Jail in IN. It scratched her, gave her nightmares, and burned her skin sometimes in the middle of her back where she could not reach. 

Amy and I had locked eyes in fear and I saw how terrified she was. In shock, she began to walk away from the cell holding her EMF in a trance like state. Bobby didn’t know who “Alice” was so I quickly explained to him. “It’s not the Alice we know Bobby. This is an evil spirit that attached to Amy a year ago.”

“Oh, wow! This night has taken a turn and fast,” he replied sitting down on a ledge next to a display.

Amy then turned back around, and walked over to Bobby and sat on his lap, not seeing him and speaking gibberish that we could not make out. Bobby yelled out, “What are you doing, Amy?” And she slid- off his lap and sat to the right of him and stared off into space.

It was then that I saw a small bat-like creature appear over Amy’s head, it had fangs and small teeth, as if in a grin, smiling at me. Flapping its wings it hovered over her in the air. I was the only one who saw it due to my gifts and was astounded.

Then I heard it say, “I am Alice, you can’t get rid of me,” in a creepy-eerie voice as it laughed and looked straight at me wickedly, as it smiled with accomplishment of its evil task.

As soon as I heard it I knew it was a demon. I began praying to Archangel’s Michael and Raphael asking for them to come and help me banish this creature once and for all.

As Amy stared off into space, I screamed out a prayer banishing the entity to hell asking Bobby to repeat what I was saying. Bobby trusted me so he began to pray with me in unison. After ten minutes, I finally felt and saw the entity leave. I thanked the Angels and saw Amy waken from her trance like state.

Amy blinked and soon was back to her normal self, she wasn’t even aware of what happened after she heard the dreaded name come through the Oculus. She says to this day, she only remembers up to that point until she snapped out of her trance like state.

Poor Bobby Shook didn’t know what he was getting into by inviting me and Amy to the Museum that day.

I still tease him about that night saying, “You better not misbehave Bobby Shook, or I will sick that nasty bat-like creature Amy brought with her on you,” he pretends to shake in his boots and we laugh. We love teasing each other.

But all kidding aside, you never know what will follow you home from a paranormal investigation one night.

-Pray, Banish, and Be Safe!


“What In Sam Hell Was That?”


What In Sam Hell Was That?

Bobby Shook called me one night and asked me to come to the Museum to give readings for family and friends of his who played Bingo over the weekend. When Bobby calls, you come.

When I arrived Bobby greeted me at the door of the bingo hall, then I was led into the large building. It was 11am on a Saturday morning and bingo wasn’t scheduled until later that night, so I knew we were the only people inside the building.

       Bobby sat down atop a large bingo folding table used in the hall for the game as he began updating me on my schedule for the day, which was always packed full.  I suddenly heard a little boy’s voice cry out inside the large hall. I knew we were alone in the building so I stopped to listen.

The sound of the little boy’s cry was muted but I knew I had heard it. I listened intently to see if I could hear it again. Tuning out, poor Bobby in the meantime he saw that I was no longer listening and I was acting strangely, so he paused. I must have looked like I was in another world.

“Hello! Do I need to be here? Are you listening to me?” Bobby asked me, being his comical-self, as always.

I chucked and said, “Don’t you hear it?” and stopped again to listen to our surroundings. Soon I heard the small voice again. “That!” I exclaimed. “Did you hear that voice? It’s a little boy.”

       “You know me.” He replied. “I can’t hear anything, but it you heard it, I believe you.”

Just then, I heard a new voice! However, this voice had come from a different direction. It seemed like it had come from the bathrooms, which were known to be very haunted. I have had lots of experiences myself in the hall’s bathrooms.

       “Bobby, now it’s coming from the bathrooms,” I said turning around to look in a new direction. “This voice was a female voice.”

       “No Rosella, I don’t hear a thing, but again; you know me.” Bobby said putting his hands up in the air.

An hour later I was giving a reading to a woman, Bobby’s Bingo Customer in the large hall when a loud bang came from the back end of the hall’s ceiling.

The client and I both jumped in fear from the loud sound and stopped talking.  Bobby came running out of his office noticeably startled from the sound. He looked at us both. “What in Sam Hell did you do to make that noise?” He asked us shaken.

“We don’t know what it was.” I said as the client and I both looked at him in confusion. “We didn’t touch anything. We are just as freaked out as you.” He grinned and looked around the infamous haunted building and quickly understood. He then told us if we needed him or it happened again, to come get him right away.

       After Bobby walked away we looked around the bingo hall for a moment, and then resumed the reading.

A few minutes later, the client’s mother came through, the woman had a very strong spirit and I could feel it.  I saw her mother standing by the bathrooms toward the back of the hall. It was a very strange place to stand, and coincidentally; where I heard the female voice earlier that day. It seemed odd that she stood a football field away from her kin. However, her mother told me a message for her child, my client to repeat.

I began telling the client the message from her mother. I also told the client what her mother looked like. Normally I see spirits in my mind’s eye but this time I saw the spirit of this client’s mother, in what looked like a living-person’s form, almost in present time. It’s rare that I see a full bodied apparition of a spirit, looking like a living breathing person, but it has happened to me in the past.  I knew this message must be special.

       Suddenly the client denied what the mother said to me in her message, I think due to embarrassment, and the craziest thing happened.

I saw her mother move in lighting-flash speed across the huge hall heading right towards us and appear in less than 2 seconds in front of the table sitting in front me. The table sat in between myself and the client (her daughter), and the mother currently stood right next her daughter with a very upsetting expression on her face.  Wow was she mad!

The mother began bending down towards her grown-child, sitting in a chair and yelled directly in her face! “Tell the truth!” I then saw the chair next in between the mother (spirit) and daughter move sideways and we jumped as we heard her mother’s voice out loud. The client jumped and confessed she was lying immediately.

       I then saw her mother smile and disappear into thin air.

Bobby came running out of his office again and said, “Rosella, what in Sam Hell did you do now!?” Looking at the client and I. “That was loud! The client and I exchanged looks and laughed but we really were shocked at what we had just experienced.

From that day on, Bobby shook always teases me about my quote on quote, “loud readings.”

Late that night when Bobby was helping me pack up my stuff because I was going to head home, we were walking to my car outside, near the main bingo entrance; I said, “Well this truly was an interesting visit.”

“Yes, it was,” replied Bobby as he placed my cooler inside my trunk and closed the hatch. “But then again,” he paused intently, “all of you visits are.” We grinned as I gave Bobby Shook a big hug, got in my car, opened up a diet coke and started my long drive home.

Friday, March 15, 2024


The Haunted Doll:

Blackford Jail

Misty, Amy and I had investigated Blackford Jail in IN over a year ago and we had a very active night where a woman named Alice attached herself to Amy and she had a rough year due to this spirit. Amy experienced: scratches, burning skin sensations, evil-nightmares, etc for over 8 months.

To be honest, it took me quite a while to rid the bad spirit from Amy because each time we thought it had gone; it came again back weeks later.

This time Misty and I decided to go back to Blackford County Jail for a public ghost hunt we were invited to nearer Halloween, this past October, 2023.

We walked into the small quaint jail in Indiana remembering the crazy paranormal activity before and Amy’s bad experiences. However, we both remained open-minded to new and hopeful, positive paranormal experiences.

We did not know what was in store for us that night, but it would be something that would HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS.

          We walked in and were greeted by the staff who took everyone on a tour before the investigation. Misty and I knew the hotspots and everything seemed normal until we walked into the room where we had a lot of dark activity a year ago on the 2nd floor to the right in the hallway. A bedroom once used by the children of a past sheriff who lived there years ago. The room had a large closet which spanned the right side of the room’s wall. It had a small mirror dressing table, (mostly used by a young girl in the 50’s for makeup and hair) and a chair in front to a window to the left it room.

The man giving the tour suddenly walked over to the dressing table and opened a drawer taking out a small baby doll that looked old and tattered. He then placed it on the chair under the window in the room. Misty and I took a step back and exchanged looks.

 “Oh no! I don’t do dolls!” Misty said to everyone in the room, and then walked behind me as if to hide from the object. “No dolls.”

 “This doll has been labeled very active and was left at the house during a paranormal investigation.” He informed everyone listening. “We don’t know how it got here, or who it once belonged to but it is highly active in terms of paranormal activity.” Said the male tour guide, as he glanced at Misty and I. He then walked on to conduct the tour gesturing to us to follow.  

Misty and I looked at each other uneasily and began following the rest of the tour around the 2nd floor of the living quarters where the Sheriff, his wife, and children once lived.

When the tour of the property was over, we walked downstairs and began investigating. We had lots of good activity such as interactions with the last Sheriff (who had lived in the old jail). Then we moved upstairs to the woman’s confined area of the jail, and interacted with a mother and son. Unfortunately, the mother had been jailed, so her son lived with her in the jail. Back then, if a mother was arrested and the child had now family to live with, they lived in jail too with the mother too. It was a sad story and our hearts went out to him and his mother, but the boy REALLY loved our motion ball! He played and interacted with us and the ball for a long time that night.

After we had investigated most of the house, we knew we had to go up to the haunted room in the living quarters where the doll resided and investigate. It was the only room we hadn’t investigated that night. I knew Misty didn’t want to go into the room due to the haunted doll, and our past experiences we had last year in that room.

I turned to Misty and said, “You know where we have to go next. We have avoided it for a while now.” I said to her with a “come on let’s go do it face,” and put my hand on her shoulder.

 “Oh No…I don’t want to see the doll,” she replied as she sunk a down a bit.

“I know, but we have to see, then we can go around again to the cells and see if we get more after the bedroom is done . Maybe it won’t be so bad,” I told her. (Famous last words)

Last time we had been in the bedroom on 2nd floor, we experienced a dark entity which spoke to us saying some awful and threatening things to Amy, our fellow investigator. It really didn’t like her. We took several photos from that night and in all of them the entity showed up in photos near Amy or over her head, all in frightening positions. But the worst one was when the shadow figure showed up in a picture of the bedroom’s open door, leaning over the door in a ghoulish way.

The figure looked like a dark shadow in a cloak with horns on its head.  In the picture you can see a head, shoulders and arms that wrapped over the door on both sides. Where its eyes were supposed to be, were open holes and it had an open mouth shaped in a Jack-o’-lantern smile. It looked incredibly wicked!

We knew this room wasn’t a great room to be in or investigate, but now it had a haunted doll in it! (Now looking back, I feel this was defiantly a “Buyer Beware Situation!)

I got out our equipment and began setting up. I placed my motion sensor ball on the floor in front of the doll. Right away I felt something I dreaded inside. I knew it something evil was amongst us. First, I felt the doll, then I felt the presence of the dark shadow figure. I knew its energy from before and knew it was there watching us. It was the creepiest feeling. I honestly wasn’t sure which entity to fear the most!

I walked over to Misty and began asking questions to anyone in the room at the time. (NOTE: to hear the whole investigation, you can listen on my podcast, A Haunting Good Time Radio Show on Podcaster and Spotify)

As I asked questions I got no answers but saw that the entity was now laying on the ball I had placed on the floor and lighting it up without stopping or a pausing. It did this for 20 minutes straight. This was a sign. From my past experiences with entities, they will not answer your questions or interact with you if they are evil, but just lay on your motion sensor object or device. They wish to obtain power and inflict fear. It’s a game to make the person fear what will happen next.

After a while of this activity and no answer, I got tired of being ignored. So I said out loud, “Okay, I will ask then.” I knew it was just waiting for me to ask this question, I felt it. “Are you the doll?”

As I asked it, and even before I asked this question, I never thought I would experience what happened next which will haunt me for the rest of my life. I heard these words in a grandmother- child-like blended voice, a sick combination of a sweet older women and nasty dead-little girl clearly say: “YOU KNOW I AM THE DOLL.”

As I heard this, I went into a state of shock and horror. Looking forward only in shock still, I began backing up into Misty who began freaking out saying, “What is it? What happened? What did you hear?”

I didn’t even hear her or see her. I continued to back up, walking backward until I ran into her. She grabbed my arm and was yelling out at me but still it didn’t resonate.

I suddenly snapped out of it when I heard another voice, “Are you sure you want to walk towards the closet? That is where the shadow man lives.” I stopped cold, scared to death and looked behind me.  It was then, that I saw and heard Misty. Her hands were on my arm as she looked at me in total fear. “What did you hear?” She shouted.

 “Misty,” I replied. “I am a medium so trust me when I say this, “RUN!” Misty screamed out in panic as we gathered our things up and ran from the room.

I have learned a lot from paranormal investigating over the years as well conducting readings, being in different environments, even being in my own home, or at a spiritual place, and I have learned a lot from riding spirits from clients homes.

Given this knowledge, I knew if we didn’t get out as soon as possible, it would have only gotten worse. The entity would have tried to: attach, go home with us, and/or harm us. So I didn’t want to risk this happening to either Misty or myself.

My advice is to say a prayer to Archangel Michael, God or Mother Mary: the Queen of Angels for protection right away and don’t delay! ***PLEASE DO NOT RISK IT!***



To listen to the Live Recorded Podcast from that night in which more experiences can be heard:

A Haunting Good Time Radio: Blackford Jail Podcast Part 1 & 2:

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Mandy's Deceased Husband's Visit

 Mandy's Deceased Husband's Visit


    Yesterday a client, turned friend; told me this wonderful story about a visitation from her deceased husband while her and her daughter sat at a kitchen table. I am writing her story because I thought it important to tell it for it may help or aid widows everywhere:

Mandy sat at her kitchen table with her teen granddaughter, Taylor in her home. Mandy, a widow; and her granddaughter, Taylor were having a lovely conversation while having a snack and tea passing time whilst awaiting Taylor’s parents to pick her up.

Taylor soon noticed the air in the room had grown colder around them and seemed to change rapidly. She shuttered, her body feeling the air change as it grow colder near her back and shoulders. Before Taylor could share what she noticed with her Grandmother, Taylor saw that the light fixture that had an unlit, burnt out light bulb in it for over a year, had suddenly turned on above their heads. “Grandma,” she spoke, “Wasn’t that light not working and burnt out?”

Mandy looked at the old light fixture that hung above her kitchen table all these years in wonderment, her jaw felt like it was on the floor but soon began to form into a bright –happy smile. “Yes,” she replied to her Granddaughter.” Yes, it has been dead for a while now. I am not able to get on the ladder to change it since Grandpa passed and it has bothered me that I can’t change it for some time now.”

Taylor looked at her Grandmother in amazement, the cold air wrapped around her in a large hug of joy. Taylor knew it was him, visiting.

“Grandma, it’s him!” she said to her windowed Grandmother. “It’s Grandpa, “Pa!” He is telling us he is here and he loves us! He must be watching over us to make sure we are okay.” The young girl looked at her Grandmother, her eyes filled with peace, love, and JOY. A joy that she never thought she could ever know, or experience. Taking in this blessing happening before her eyes she smiled as tears of love rolled down her checks. She missed her Pa so much since he passed. Taylor looked into the  direction of the cool breeze she felt swirling around her body, making its presence known and mouthed the words, “I love you,” to her Grandfather. She knew he saw her and heard her words. She knew he had to be smiling at her now, she felt it.

Her Grandmother, the windowed wife looked at Taylor and behind her, as she felt the same peace, love, and joy inside her older body. Mandy smiled at her passed on husband, whom she missed so very much. She felt he was standing behind Taylor, looking on at them both with love and joy as well. Then they both looked up at the dead bulb that had come to life again, as it flickered again and again, she could hardly believe the gift being presented to her.

Taylor spoke to her Grandfather, aiming her words at the cold breeze, “Pa, is that you?” The dead bulb flickered in answer to her question and they felt validation that it was indeed him.

“Oh, My God!” Taylor and Mandy spoke in unison as they looked at each other with wonderment. Mandy, Taylor’s Grandmother; reached across the small kitchen table and took her Granddaughter’s hand with a smile and said aloud, “I know you are there, and you are watching over us. Thank you for coming and keep watching over us dear. I love you and miss you every day I live. We will be together again someday.”

A few minutes later, they two women noticed the air had changed back to its normal temperature and the lovely presence had moved on. However, the light bulb that had been dead for over a year, with no ability to change it, shone bright as the sun from that day on. A true sign and testament that Mandy believes is evidence of her deceased husband’s visit that blessed day to her and her Granddaughter, Taylor.


Hello Everyone,

I know it’s been a while since I have posted and have so many stories I am behind in writing and posting. I have put a lot of stories and ghost investigations on my Podcast, A Haunting Good Time Radio Show Podcast. Please check it out at: