The Haunted Doll:
Blackford Jail
Misty, Amy and I had investigated
Blackford Jail in IN over a year ago and we had a very active night where a
woman named Alice attached herself to Amy and she had a rough year due to this
spirit. Amy experienced: scratches, burning skin sensations, evil-nightmares, etc
for over 8 months.
To be honest, it took
me quite a while to rid the bad spirit from Amy because each time we thought it
had gone; it came again back weeks later.
This time Misty and I
decided to go back to Blackford County Jail for a public ghost hunt we were
invited to nearer Halloween, this past October, 2023.
We walked into the small
quaint jail in Indiana remembering the crazy paranormal activity before and Amy’s
bad experiences. However, we both remained open-minded to new and hopeful, positive
paranormal experiences.
We did not know what was
in store for us that night, but it would be something that would HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS.
walked in and were greeted by the staff who took everyone on a tour before the
investigation. Misty and I knew the hotspots and everything seemed normal until
we walked into the room where we had a lot of dark activity a year ago on the 2nd
floor to the right in the hallway. A bedroom once used by the children of a past
sheriff who lived there years ago. The room had a large closet which spanned
the right side of the room’s wall. It had a small mirror dressing table, (mostly
used by a young girl in the 50’s for makeup and hair) and a chair in front to a
window to the left it room.
The man giving the tour
suddenly walked over to the dressing table and opened a drawer taking out a
small baby doll that looked old and tattered. He then placed it on the chair
under the window in the room. Misty and I took a step back and exchanged looks.
“Oh no! I don’t do dolls!” Misty said to
everyone in the room, and then walked behind me as if to hide from the object.
“No dolls.”
“This doll has been labeled very active and
was left at the house during a paranormal investigation.” He informed everyone
listening. “We don’t know how it got here, or who it once belonged to but it is
highly active in terms of paranormal activity.” Said the male tour guide, as he
glanced at Misty and I. He then walked on to conduct the tour gesturing to us
to follow.
Misty and I looked at
each other uneasily and began following the rest of the tour around the 2nd
floor of the living quarters where the Sheriff, his wife, and children once lived.
When the tour of the
property was over, we walked downstairs and began investigating. We had lots of
good activity such as interactions with the last Sheriff (who had lived in the
old jail). Then we moved upstairs to the woman’s confined area of the jail, and
interacted with a mother and son. Unfortunately, the mother had been jailed, so
her son lived with her in the jail. Back then, if a mother was arrested and the
child had now family to live with, they lived in jail too with the mother too.
It was a sad story and our hearts went out to him and his mother, but the boy REALLY
loved our motion ball! He played and interacted with us and the ball for a long
time that night.
After we had investigated
most of the house, we knew we had to go up to the haunted room in the living
quarters where the doll resided and investigate. It was the only room we hadn’t
investigated that night. I knew Misty didn’t want to go into the room due to
the haunted doll, and our past experiences we had last year in that room.
I turned to Misty and said,
“You know where we have to go next. We have avoided it for a while now.” I said
to her with a “come on let’s go do it face,” and put my hand on her shoulder.
“Oh No…I don’t want to see the doll,” she
replied as she sunk a down a bit.
“I know, but we have to
see, then we can go around again to the cells and see if we get more after the
bedroom is done . Maybe it won’t be so bad,” I told her. (Famous last words)
Last time we had been
in the bedroom on 2nd floor, we experienced a dark entity which
spoke to us saying some awful and threatening things to Amy, our fellow
investigator. It really didn’t like her. We took several photos from that night
and in all of them the entity showed up in photos near Amy or over her head,
all in frightening positions. But the worst one was when the shadow figure showed
up in a picture of the bedroom’s open door, leaning over the door in a ghoulish
The figure looked like
a dark shadow in a cloak with horns on its head. In the picture you can see a head, shoulders
and arms that wrapped over the door on both sides. Where its eyes were supposed
to be, were open holes and it had an open mouth shaped in a Jack-o’-lantern smile.
It looked incredibly wicked!
We knew this room
wasn’t a great room to be in or investigate, but now it had a haunted doll in
it! (Now looking back, I feel this was defiantly
a “Buyer Beware Situation!)
I got out our equipment
and began setting up. I placed my motion sensor ball on the floor in front of
the doll. Right away I felt something I dreaded inside. I knew it something evil
was amongst us. First, I felt the doll, then I felt the presence of the dark shadow
figure. I knew its energy from before and knew it was there watching us. It was
the creepiest feeling. I honestly wasn’t sure which entity to fear the most!
I walked over to Misty
and began asking questions to anyone in the room at the time. (NOTE: to hear the whole investigation, you
can listen on my podcast, A Haunting
Good Time Radio Show on Podcaster and Spotify)
As I asked questions I
got no answers but saw that the entity was now laying on the ball I had placed
on the floor and lighting it up without stopping or a pausing. It did this for
20 minutes straight. This was a sign. From my past experiences with entities, they
will not answer your questions or interact with you if they are evil, but just
lay on your motion sensor object or device. They wish to obtain power and
inflict fear. It’s a game to make the person fear what will happen next.
After a while of this
activity and no answer, I got tired of being ignored. So I said out loud,
“Okay, I will ask then.” I knew it was just waiting for me to ask this question,
I felt it. “Are you the doll?”
As I asked it, and even
before I asked this question, I never thought I would experience what happened
next which will haunt me for the rest of my life. I heard these words in a
grandmother- child-like blended voice, a sick combination of a sweet older
women and nasty dead-little girl clearly say: “YOU KNOW I AM THE DOLL.”
As I heard this, I went
into a state of shock and horror. Looking forward only in shock still, I began
backing up into Misty who began freaking out saying, “What is it? What
happened? What did you hear?”
I didn’t even hear her or
see her. I continued to back up, walking backward until I ran into her. She grabbed
my arm and was yelling out at me but still it didn’t resonate.
I suddenly snapped out
of it when I heard another voice, “Are you sure you want to walk towards the
closet? That is where the shadow man lives.” I stopped cold, scared to death and
looked behind me. It was then, that I saw
and heard Misty. Her hands were on my arm as she looked at me in total fear. “What
did you hear?” She shouted.
“Misty,” I replied. “I am a medium so trust me
when I say this, “RUN!” Misty screamed out in panic as we gathered our things
up and ran from the room.
I have learned a lot
from paranormal investigating over the years as well conducting readings, being
in different environments, even being in my own home, or at a spiritual place,
and I have learned a lot from riding spirits from clients homes.
Given this knowledge, I
knew if we didn’t get out as soon as possible, it would have only gotten worse.
The entity would have tried to: attach, go home with us, and/or harm us. So I
didn’t want to risk this happening to either Misty or myself.
My advice is to say a prayer to Archangel Michael,
God or Mother Mary: the Queen of Angels for protection right away and don’t delay!
listen to the Live Recorded Podcast from that night in which more experiences can
be heard:
A Haunting Good Time Radio: Blackford
Jail Podcast Part 1 & 2: