The Spirit “Alice” Returns:
I was on my way to the Mansfield Fire Museum in Mansfield, Ohio once more to meet Bobby Shook. This time my friend, Amy was with me and we were on our way to meet Bobby for a full day of lunch, readings, dinner and Bingo, afterwards we were to ghost hunt in the Fire Museum.
After Bingo and everyone had cleared out for
the night, Amy and I, my niece and her boyfriend, who had joined us late,
followed Bobby into the dark museum.
I set up some ghost
hunting equipment and we began walking towards the back of the museum where
they kept an old jail cell from the Ohio State Reformatory. I do not like the
jail cell. In the past it has created a lot of issues.
Misty and I found
during a few of our investigations in the museum, that bad spirits were using
the jail cell as a portal to the museum and were antagonizing female visitors and
ghost hunters.
For example, a few
months back, Bobby had warned me about females being targeted lately when
visiting the museum. I was investigating
the museum with him and our friend, Alice, a bingo volunteer. As I was speaking
to Alice I saw her hair lift up in the air and stay there with no one visibly
holding it for several seconds, possibly half a minute. You could tell she
didn’t feel it being held in the air, because she went on speaking. I stood
frozen in amazement and shock.
All of a sudden her
hair dropped, hitting her shoulders and she screamed out thinking someone was
behind her and had touched her. I explained what I saw and even in the
darkness, I saw her turn white. That happened to her a total of two times during
that investigation. That event still upsets her to this day.
After many reports
adding up about the prisoner spirits from the cell attacking women, Misty and I
came a few weeks later to help Bobby, and cleared 37 male spirits out. It took
us over 3 hours that night and we were exhausted.
After that experience,
Bobby and I were worried seeing Amy so fixated on walking towards the cell. She
didn’t seem to hear anyone speak to her as she pressed forward towards the
cell. Bobby exchanged an odd look with me as we followed her.
Amy didn’t seem like
herself at all. Like a hallow shell in fact and we could all tell something was
wrong. Bobby and I were quite concerned.
Out of the blue, I
heard my Uncle Hal’s voice telling me to guard my niece and stop. My Uncle had
passed on and only came (in spirit form) to the museum if the bad male spirits were
there from past experience to protect me. I then heard my other uncle’s voice,
Uncle Pat, who had died years before, he and my Hal were best friends. Then I
really knew that things were about to get bad fast.
I told Amy to stop again but still she pushed
passed us on her mission. She began asking the old prisoners of the cell
questions, aiming her questions toward the cell, not even looking at anyone once.
Taking out her EMF reader she put it atop of the gate in front of the cell.
I asked Amy, “What are
you doing?” But still she looked passed me. Why wasn’t she understanding what
we had said to her? I told her about my Uncle’s both coming and their warnings.
She still looked at the gate and asked them questions, pressing on.
Puzzled, Bobby and I
looked at each other again. This time he said, “Who is in charge here?”
I was shocked, I didn’t
know what was happening, but I knew I felt danger. I also knew that Bobby wouldn't speak to me
like that unless there was danger.
Words began coming
through the oculus: “Die, run, beware, go away, Bitch, etc.”
Strangely, Amy began
challenging it, which again, was NOT LIKE HER! Then it happened, a frightening
name from the past came through the oculus. A name we; Misty, Amy and I knew
well: “ALICE!” spoke the frightening voice, stopping Amy cold in her tracks as
she brought her hand to her mouth, covering it in horror and looked at me.
The name from the past
was an entity that called itself, “Alice.” (Note: not my friend and bingo
volunteer) This spirit attached itself to Amy for whole year after we
had visited and investigated the Blackford Jail in IN. It scratched her, gave
her nightmares, and burned her skin sometimes in the middle of her back where
she could not reach.
Amy and I had locked eyes
in fear and I saw how terrified she was. In shock, she began to walk away from
the cell holding her EMF in a trance like state. Bobby didn’t know who “Alice”
was so I quickly explained to him. “It’s not the Alice we know Bobby. This is
an evil spirit that attached to Amy a year ago.”
“Oh, wow! This night
has taken a turn and fast,” he replied sitting down on a ledge next to a display.
Amy then turned back
around, and walked over to Bobby and sat on his lap, not seeing him and
speaking gibberish that we could not make out. Bobby yelled out, “What are you
doing, Amy?” And she slid- off his lap and sat to the right of him and stared
off into space.
It was then that I saw
a small bat-like creature appear over Amy’s head, it had fangs and small teeth, as
if in a grin, smiling at me. Flapping its wings it hovered over her in the air.
I was the only one who saw it due to my gifts and was astounded.
Then I heard it say, “I
am Alice, you can’t get rid of me,” in a creepy-eerie voice as it laughed and
looked straight at me wickedly, as it smiled with accomplishment of its evil
As soon as I heard it I
knew it was a demon. I began praying to Archangel’s Michael and Raphael asking
for them to come and help me banish this creature once and for all.
As Amy stared off into
space, I screamed out a prayer banishing the entity to hell asking Bobby to
repeat what I was saying. Bobby trusted me so he began to pray with me in
unison. After ten minutes, I finally felt and saw the entity leave. I thanked the
Angels and saw Amy waken from her trance like state.
Amy blinked and soon
was back to her normal self, she wasn’t even aware of what happened after she
heard the dreaded name come through the Oculus. She says to this day, she only
remembers up to that point until she snapped out of her trance like state.
Poor Bobby Shook didn’t
know what he was getting into by inviting me and Amy to the Museum that day.
I still tease him about
that night saying, “You better not misbehave Bobby Shook, or I will sick that
nasty bat-like creature Amy brought with her on you,” he pretends to shake in
his boots and we laugh. We love teasing each other.
But all kidding aside,
you never know what will follow you home from a paranormal investigation one
-Pray, Banish, and Be
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